- Lectures, seminars and laboratories
- Student Theses and Jobs
- Benchmarking of an IMU-based kinematics tracker - Paid position
- FAU - DLR: Shared Autonomy in Advanced Humanoid Teleoperation for Intuitive and Reliable Grasping
- Force Myography as an intent prediction and feedback mechanism for a functional electrical stimulation setup
- Force output based calibration of a muscular electrical stimulation array
- Functional Electric Stimulation for the Operation Room
- Intuitive Control for Industrial Setups
- Investigate, design and implement a versatile force myography sensor in cooperation with Ottobock
- Master Thesis: Shallow and deep unsupervised methods for myoelectric control of upper limb prostheses
- R/B/M: Development and investigation of virtual prosthesis performance evaluations a robotic engine (MuJoCo)
- Student Assistent for IntelliMan - Biosignal Analysis, Machine Learning and VR (HiWi)
- Student Assistent for IntelliMan - VR for Upper Limb Prostheses (HiWi)
- Electromyography-Based Control of a Finger-Hand Exoskeleton
- Software Development Student Assistant