Michele Canepa

Michele Canepa


Mr. Michele Canepa received a B.Sc degree and M.Sc degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Genoa in 2010 and 2014 respectively. He then worked as a fellow researcher at the University of Genoa, focusing on developing embedded electrical measurements instruments. In 2014 he joined the Rehab Technologies Group at the Italian Institute of Technology to develop electrical and electronic systems for robotic medical devices. Since then, he designed the electrical and firmware architecture for the upper limb prosthetic system Hannes, a lower limb prosthetic system and the lower limb exoskeleton Twin. In 2017 he joined the IIT startup company Movendo Technology as Lead Electrical Engineer, focusing on industrialization and commissioning of the rehabilitation platform Hunova.

Currently he is Senior Electrical Engineer and Team Leader of the Electronics Team at the Rehab Technologies Laboratory (IIT) in Genoa (Italy). His technical and scientific expertise lies in the development, certification and industrialization of electronics and software of robotic assistive medical devices. In 2022 he joined a PhD program with the Open University Affiliated Research Centre at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (ARC@IIT), under the supervision of Professor Claudio Castellini (FAU). His current research is focused on enhancing the controllability of upper limb prosthetics via innovative multi sensor interfaces, including HD-EMG, and the introduction of novel paradigms of retrainable Artificial Intelligence algorithms applied to realistic clinical scenarios.