
In June, our Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Sabine Thuerauf presented the chair with an invited talk at the Society of for orthopedic and traumatological sports medicine which was organized from our contracts at Waldkrankenhaus Erlangen!

We are excited to share the news: our paper about intent detection in SCI patients declared complete is now out on Brain. In this work, mainly conducted at the Rummelsberg Clinic for Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, under the guidance of Dr. Matthias Ponfick, and by Alessandro Del Vecchio's team a...

The AIROB team will deal with stroke rehabilitation in the next 3 years, thanks to a project which we have just acquired. The project is called AutoAssist and is a cooperation between us, the IBMT Fraunhofer, Ottobock, NEEEU! Spaces, Deutsche Telekom MMS and Teigler GmbH. We are also extremely pl...

In the frame of an international exchange programme generously supported by the University of Jember and the Indonesian Government, Claudio is spending two weeks in lovely Jember, East Java, Indonesia, at the local university. He will be teaching, contributing to workshops and consulting for the ...

Mr. Francesco Vichi, currently a M.Sc. student at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa (Italy) will be spending one month at AIROB, on a scientific cooperation with the Neurorobotic Touch Laboratory headed by Prof. Calogero Oddo. We will be exploring interesting applications of tactile sensing base...

AIROB team starts designing hybrid solutions combining tendon-driven exosuits and Functional Electrical Stimulation for the rehabilitation of paretic patients.

At last, here is a somewhat detailed video interview appearing on the website of MEDICA, possibly the largest and most interesting trade fair for medical technology. In the interview, introduced by Dr. Matthias Ponfick of the Hospital for Spinal Cord Injuries in Rummelsberg and Claudio Castellini...